The ‘Stranger’s Freedom’ and 10 ways how it manifests itself

We know that life abroad comes with difficulties. For example, we may have limitations that the locals don’t have, and we may miss people from our country of origin and sometimes feel like we don’t belong. But the other, bright✨, side of the coin is the freedom the foreignness can bring (of course depending on…

Cherish your relationship with your country of residence

A new country is like a new relationship. Sometimes the chemistry is there right away, sometimes not. Like in relationships, getting to know each other helps to understand other one better. Your own attitude also affects the development of the relationship. Every experience of living in a foreign country is unique. How each person experiences…

Life Skill Souvenirs from Overseas

What can you learn from life abroad – when ‘sailing the seas of overseas’? In the beginning of this year – before this global crisis was on – I started listing things I’ve learned during my family’s* nine years abroad, and I’ve noticed that these qualities are helpful also in the volatile and restricted times…

15+ Sunny Sides of Switzerland that make you want to stay

Jump directly to see The Zurich Coffee Place Recommendations, updated 22.3.2024 What are the best things about your living place? By listing the good aspects of your living place, you get a positive lens that helps you to see the good around you. The list is helpful also when you are struggling with your current…

The power of positive feedback

After one particularly long day, I noticed a review of my book ‘Greetings from Abroadland’ on (a Finnish) blog called ‘Kirjeitä Shanghaista’. It made me happy and humbled. How amazing that the book has made a positive impact! And that the blogger had taken time to write the review. It made me also to think…

15 things I miss about living in Singapore

“Live for the moments you can’t put into words.” There is still some winter left in Europe but I’m already excited about the spring and the green that comes with it… I mind traveled back to the tropics and listed things I miss about living in Singapore: And then there are also all the personal…