Why I love being in nature? 11 reasons to get outdoors

While I was creating an illustration of “The Great Outdoors”, I started to think more about why I like being outdoors and why nature is so important to me. I share the reasons and the illustration here in pieces that make up the whole picture in the end. I wonder if you can relate to…

Art can inspire change and action to improve the environment

Each of us can promote the wellbeing of our environment. In addition to our daily choices, we can influence by creating art that evokes emotions, thoughts and actions. I introduce here two environmental art projects that are close to my heart. Both of them were made years ago, but they’re still relevant and even more…

Diving Into the See of Wanderlust

The term Wanderlust originates from the German words wandern (to hike) and Lust (desire). Today it’s mostly used in connection with traveling – however, Wanderlust can have much broader and deeper meanings, and it can even serve as a life philosophy. Here are some examples of what and how. Upside Down artwork by Sibylla Walpen. The Bernese Alps in…

The ‘Stranger’s Freedom’ and 10 ways how it manifests itself

We know that life abroad comes with difficulties. For example, we may have limitations that the locals don’t have, and we may miss people from our country of origin and sometimes feel like we don’t belong. But the other, bright✨, side of the coin is the freedom the foreignness can bring (of course depending on…

Find a treasure trove beyond routines and achievements

Habits and goals can be the cornerstones for maintaining focus and moving things forward. However, nowadays we talk so much about them that we may forget there’s much more to life! If we are always doing things efficiently with goals in mind and our days revolve around rituals, we can start to feel exhausted, restricted,…